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Assessment practice. prt 1.

Carry out a review of recent literature in good assessment practice. Use the understanding you gain from this to suggest: How assessment procedures in your A placement school coul...

Learn the language, but not just for the exam

I have always believed learning a language is not merely about studying it in school, but you should make contact with that country`s lifestyle by reading internet articles, watching ...

The Advantages of Online Tuition

The world evolves. Technology plays a significant part in our lives, whether we like it or not. We use the Internet to keep ourselves up-to-date with world events and keep in conta...

Land in Shakespeare

Richard: Ay, no. No, ay; for I must nothing be. Therefore, no `no`, for I resign to thee. Now mark me how I will undo myself. (Richard II 4.1.201-203) This passage from Shake...

Social networking

Without Facebook and Twitter, my professional performance career would not be as successful as it is now. If you are wondering how you can get your name and music out there to the...

Teaching Piano to Adult Beginners

When I first started teaching piano more than 20 years ago I decided to limit my students to children ages 6-17 years of age. I never really saw myself including adults to my student ...

Am I Dyscalculic?

Maths has its very own type of dyslexia; dyscalculia. Look at the list and see how many of these things fit. Is this you? Confusion with maths signs: + - ÷ and x all l...

Am I Dyslexic?

Dyslexia can be a problem in different areas of learning. It affects reading, writing, spelling and mathematics. Dyslexia is often present (this is called: co-morbid) with other types...

10 Reasons Not to Become an Archaeologist (and Why to Ignore Them)

I think it is important to note that having an interest in archaeology and then working in it are two polar opposed situations. With an interest or a hobby you can choose an area of i...

Defleshing the Dead: What is Excarnation and Where Does it Occur?

For the archaeologist and anthropologist, excarnation refers to a specific burial practice. It is the removal of the flesh off the skeleton, leaving only the bones to be buried, which...