Tutor HuntTest QuestionsEnglish QuestionsYear 6 English Questions


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The Chronicles Of Narnia (Year 6 English)

The following test is covering 'The Chronicles Of Narnia' for Year 6 English.
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Puddleglum is a character introduced in which book?
In `The Last Battle`, who is the false Aslan that the ape Shift creates?
Who is the author of `The Chronicles of Narnia`?
Who was the first person Digory woke with the apple in `The Magician`s Nephew`?
Who helps Digory and Polly return from Narnia in `The Magician`s Nephew`?
Which of the Pevensie children is the first to enter Narnia?
Who becomes a dragon when he puts on a magic bracelet in `The Voyage of the Dawn Treader`?