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Biology Resources (page 22)



Taster Resource

Taster Immunology document B cells begin as stem cells within the bone marrow. They then differentiate into pro-B cells, which become pre-B cells once their receptors begin to beco...

Biology Essay

What is the evidence that some human behaviour has evolved to serve the wider group, rather than just serve individuals or their immediate families? `Ask not what your country can...

Effect of Curcumin on the growth rate of NPC cells

Abstract Curcumin is a phenolic compound extracted from the rhizosome of Curcuma longa. Previous studies suggested that curcumin possesses pro-apoptic and anti-cancer features. Our...

Are we too clean for our own good?

Nietzsche once said, `That which does not kill us makes us stronger`. Nowadays, people would vehemently disagree with this philosophy, cite horror-story articles about fatal cat disea...

Generation of Human Focal Interictal Discharges

Focal seizures are classified according to severity and their site of initiation in the brain. In general, severity is contingent upon whether or not consciousness is maintained thro...

Value of High Frequency Oscillations in pre-surgical assessment of Epilepsy

The central goal of surgery for the treatment of epilepsy is the removal of the epileptic focus in the brain while maintaining as much functional tissue as possible in order to maximi...

The Dino-Chicken

Paleontologist Jack Horner has always been a bit of an icon. But Horner`s newest idea takes it to a new level. He wants, in short, to hatch a dinosaur. Horner, who worked as a advi...

Independent Research Project

Will advancements in the understanding of epigenetic mechanisms in the brain affect the future treatment of neurodegenerative diseases? Put simply the answer to this question is ye...


The genetic component of an organism is delicately balanced, the most minor mistake regarding the content or location of the genetic material can have a tremendous impact on the p...


HPV infection of the genital tract is a very common sexually transmitted disease being prevalent in women under and above 25 years, obviously, linked to multiple sexual partners. ...
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