Tutor HuntResources

Basic Skills Resources (page 5)



The Importance of Good Handwriting

The Importance of Good Handwriting There is one aspect of education today that is being terribly neglected and that is handwriting. I see many young adults who are trying to find j...

Education in Modern Classrooms

Now it has been a long time since I was a student in a classroom I will admit, however I have seen the results of the modern classroom in my day to day life. I know there are great sc...

Reading the question

It is probably one of the most cliche sentences that you will hear in the classroom today `read the question`. However it is the obviously fundamental and unfortunately often overlook...
Sharif Samir

The Simple Methods Of Teaching

Most schools and universities focus on conveying a large amount of information to their students. But for most people that is not enough to create genuine understanding and an ability...

How to alleviate visual stress

There are many symptoms of visual stress. Some sufferers are not aware of the problem. They think it is the same for everyone. Sufferers may experience over sensitivity to bright ligh...

Learn to Read

"Multimedia can be very beneficial for young children. For example, research shows that children who see a story`s action animated are more likely to remember it," says early reading ...

Success to Revision? It`s a matter of the senses

Many people have wondered what the best way to revise is: reading, mind-maps, diagrams etc. And the answer is really dependant on you. Some of us are naturally visual learners, whilst...

Basic Writing

Writing is the first process of creating paragraphs. Additionally, individuals can become overwhelmed if they do not know the proper steps to writing paragraphs. It is imperial that s...

Why are the first 5 years most Important ?

Children`s development refers to the changes that occur as a child grows and develops in relation to being physically healthy, mentally alert, emotionally sound, socially competent an...

Back to basics tuition

As a mother myself, I understand the frustration of employing a tutor who does not seem to be helping my children understand and tackle the topics that they find challenging. Each chi...
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