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"To what extent is it possible to make resource exploitation sustainable?"

"To what extent is it possible to make resource exploitation sustainable?" The global population is increasing at 1.1% per annum. It currently stands at 6.9 billion people and with...

Investigating Methods Used in a Geographical Investigation

Evaluate the methods you used to collect data for a geographical investigation. State the title of your investigation (20 marks) We carried out our investigation on the River Harbo...

Comparing three texts, `The Rose Tattoo`, Eliot`s `Selected Poems` and `A Room with a view`.

Explore the breakdown of relationships in: Tennessee William's The Rose Tattoo, E.M. Forster's A Room with a View and T.S. Eliot's Selected Poems. Through varying mediums of liter...

`All`s Well That Ends Well` Staging Question

Outline how you would stage "All`s Well That Ends Well" in the theatre justifying your choice and explaining how your design would contribute to the play`s meaning. In your answer you...

Futuristic view on electronics

In the ancient period usage of fire is meant for mainly surviving of mankind.Later on it turned out to be an evolution of new ways of thinking."Necessity is the mother of Invention"ma...

The Inequality of Mixed Ability Classes in Secondary Schools.

Having experience of teaching English to many mixed ability classes in the secondary school environment, I have reached the emphatic conclusion that the whole concept is fundamenta...

Why do people commit crimes?

Why Do People Commit Crimes? People commit crimes for a variety of different reasons. Maybe they would like some material gain which they could otherwise not affo...

'Compare formation of the initiation complex for protein synthesis in bacterial and animal cells.

In the cells, strands of messenger RNA (mRNA) are translated to form a chain of amino acids, which can then fold to form a 3D protein. Translation can be divided into 3 critical stage...

Assessment practice. prt 3.

What Is The Aim Of Assessment? Regardless of the intended and actual uses of assessment data, the main focus of assessment has to be on developing pupils in both their knowledge an...

Assessment practice. prt 2.

Formative Assessment The value of formative `discourse` can be found in the dialogue between learners, and teachers. This dialogue is not always verbal: it can be the use of `traff...