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Does "Every child matters" still exists if not what is it replaced with and when?
7 years ago

English Question asked by Samira

Yes it still exists. It was brought in 2003 and is still an important policy for any one working with children. It applies to the well-being of children and young people from when they’re born up until they reach the age of 19 and is based on the idea that every child, regardless of their individual circumstances or background, should have plenty of support throughout their life. In fact, there are five key principles to the policy which the government believe children should have support with. These are: To be healthy. To stay safe. To enjoy and achieve. To make a positive contribution. To achieve economic well-being. Hope this helps
13/07/2016 13:24:18 | comment by Danielle
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Are you talking about the book?
18/07/2016 10:46:59 | comment by [Deleted Member]
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9 Answers

Yes it still exists, it was brought in 2003 and is an important policy for any one working with children. It applies to the well-being of children and young people from when they’re born up until they reach the age of 19 and is based on the idea that every child, regardless of their individual circumstances or background, should have plenty of support throughout their life.

There are five key principles to the policy:

To be healthy.
To stay safe.
To enjoy and achieve.
To make a positive contribution.
To achieve economic well-being.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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As far as I`m aware it hasn`t been replaced yet. `Every child matters` still exists and will continue to be included in the safeguarding policy of the school. It will continue to be the duty of every member of staff within the school, but with the person in charge of it being the CPO -child protection officer (usually the deputy head of head of department)

Hope that helps!
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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Hi, I am in agreement with the comment made by Danielle, however its not only to safeguard an individual until they reach the of 19, this is extended to the age of 24 it the child has Special Educational Needs of Disabilities (SEND) or classed as being a vulnerable adult.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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Modal verbs eg. does can`t be used with. S. Should be. Does every child matter? Not matters. Correction from mrs la melech BA English. In. Manchester. M9
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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Hi, yes it still exists and is covered by safeguarding.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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It doesn`t exist in the same way as when it was first set up. The government has put much of the responsibility back in the hands of social workers and health care workers.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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"Every child matters" still exixts in some schools but it has changed to "Every child counts", which in fact means roughly the same thing. Adults are responsibility for the well-being of the child in their care.
Answered by Winsome | 7 years ago
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I personally believe every child matters no matter what. Everyone is important and deserves to have the best education.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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While the government has moved away from the terminology, the concept of `Every Child Matters` (or ECM) is still very much in existence. Furthermore, it should remain in the forefront of every tutor`s mind.
Answered by [Deleted Member]
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