Tutor HuntSubjectsMaths Tutors

Sum Yeuk

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Sum Yeuk
Sum Yeuk
Hounslow, Middlesex
Feedback Score:
Member Since: 15/06/2021
Last Login: 7 months ago
Response Rate: no data
Expected Response : no data
Not available to contact

My Qualifications

University College London (University of London)
Secondary Education (Mathematics)
PASS  (2018)
Cardiff University
Mechanical Engineering
2:2  (2017)

Verification Status

Tutors ID Verified
 Enhanced DBS Verified
How references rated Sum Yeuk

Rates summary: £48.00 to £67.00 per hour

Information about Sum Yeuk

I am a secondary school maths teacher in London.

My approach to tutoring and teaching is through the mastery approach, this is tailored and is expected for students to have a deeper understanding, addressing any misconceptions and linking topics together during their GCSEs and provide a solid foundation for A-levels.

The lesson will consists of 3 main elements: Fluency, Reasoning and Problem Solving.

Students will recieve and expect to complete these 3 levels during the lesson, any unfinished work will be completed for homework.

Students can expect to recieve a in-depth explanation for any questions he/she may have. This includes reasons to why we `apply` this rule and why this rule works.

An example : Law of indices, why anything to the power of 0 is always 1.
Dividing fractions, why does `Keep, Change and Flip` work.

As every single lesson requires preparation, you and your child will have the flexibility to either, request a specific topic or allow me to plan a timetable suited for your child`s individual needs.

Every child I`ve taught has shown improvements within the first 3 months!

Students in year 10 have moved from set 5 to set 1 within 4 months of tutoring.

I take pride in my work and believe students can achieve anything.

I want them to understand and love learning just as much as I love teaching.

Availability: Weekdays

Willing to travel: Home Only

Experience: Qualified Secondary Education Maths Teacher (QTS)
4 years in Secondary Education.
One to one tutoring for the past 10 years.

DBS Check: Yes

Not available to contact

Feedback For Sum Yeuk (2)

We have a total of 2 review(s) for Sum Yeuk.

Mehrdad (Mr)

5/5 Rating

After trying 12 maths tutor my son believes Cindy is the best .

Amalia (Mrs)

5/5 Rating

Very understanding and good at explaining techniques.

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