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Tutor Hunt Questions

How would I structure this kind of University level essay to get top marks?

Is it okay to have my argument after the introduction on what anime is, who Miyazaki Hayao is and what his relation to the films are?

How can you weigh up the principle themes without turning the essay into a compare and contrast essay but focussed on the discussion?

I had plans to talk about the historical context of the films. In order to do that I wanted to talk about all three to present a mirror of Japanese history. For example feudal, industrial and modern. would this take away from the argument?

7 years ago

Politics Question asked by Eleasah

Hi, I advise that you get your hands on baboon called "writing essays for university", it`s a real life saver! It`ll tell you how to structure literature reviews, arguments, scientific reports etc. I am not a specialist in this area (science graduate) but i never got below 70% on all my written assignments across the three years! Just make sure all comments are backed with literature, try not to rewrite what has been said by the author but summarise several different ideas into one. The reader (your lecturer and marker) wants to know if you can link ideas and findings together - not can you read something and rewrite it. Always try to make sure your referencing is correct! It`s usually worth 5-10% and can make a big difference to your overall mark :) good luck!
15/04/2017 20:26:00 | comment by Annabel
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To avoid compare and contrast, you would have to link your synthesis of different theories to your main argument, then state your view according to your research findings.

Because you are evaluating the academic research, not rewriting it.

Any referencing to culture and the representation of that in the arts, films and media, would have to be referenced to your argument, and whether it supports/agrees with it or not.

So it is the extent you agree or to what extent you might disagree.
So you would have to use however, furthermore, although, even though etc

I always state my argument first, with my intentions, followed by the background and history.

I am an English for academic purposes tutor, therefore, there are strict rules about your marking criteria, which they would have given you with your course and module outline.
I wish you the best of luck
Gaye Russell
Answered by Gaye | 7 years ago
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