Tutor HuntFoundation

Tutorhunt has sponsored Sacred Heart Catholic Primary school to update their reading selection


`Reading is our passion at Sacred Heart, we pride ourselves on the love children have for books`, Mrs Bishop, English co-coordinator, stated after a donation from Tutorhunt helped to fund new books across all classes.

A love of reading is supported by story time every day, author visits, a reading club run by Year 6 children and a lovely school library. This reading culture is facilitated by staff who carefully consider which books will match the children`s learning.

However, the books available to children in classrooms were in need of updating both from a diversity and inclusion perspective, and to promote new and exciting authors to inspire the children. Children access these books on a daily basis and choose books to take home for reading with their families, so it`s vital that the selection is stimulating and relevant.

Tutorhunt`s donation has allowed every single class across the school to receive new books. Reading ambassadors from Year 6 helped Mrs Bishop to distribute the books to classes to much excitement from the children.

The books ranged from thrilling graphic novels to capture the heart of even the most reluctant reader to stories from other cultures with BAME authors and main characters. Interesting books for early readers and phonetically decode-able books were also purchased to inspire the younger generation of readers. The children at Sacred Heart will enjoy reading these new books and continue to develop their great passion for reading.

Mrs Porter, Headteacher, said: `We really appreciate Tutorhunt`s funding of new books for our school. It`s great to see the delight on our pupil`s faces when they are presented with lovely new books to read!`

13 months ago